
Situation in Ukraine

Q: Where is the Vandra Rugs weaving atelier located?
A: The weaving atelier is located in Kakhovka in Southern Ukraine


Q: How many weavers work for Vandra Rugs and are they safe?
A: Currently we have 27 weavers and helpers employed. So far they are all well.


Q: Are they able to work in the atelier now considering the fact that Ukraine is invaded?
A: The safety and well-being of our co-workers is our top priority. They have expressed the will to keep production ongoing and work when considered safe to do so.


Q: When can I expect delivery of my order?
A: The atelier works with current orders and delivery time is decided both by if we have material in stock for your order as well as when a corridor for goods in and out of the country is established.


Q: Can I place new a order?
A: Yes we are happy to receive new orders, but ask for your understanding that delivery times might be affected.


Q: Are you evaluating alternative production?
A: We have investigated and lined up some alternatives for production should we need to, but at this moment prefer to stay with our own production as the work opportunity it creates is of extreme importance to our weavers during these challenging times.